Saturday, July 2, 2016

Book Bumping

Firstly, I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to any of you who have been looking forward to the publication of The Wings of Antheon. (And a hug for looking forward to it:) Unfortunately I will be postponing the release date until July 11th due to editing, crazy schedules, and a friend who has offered some wonderful advice. The good news, to console you with, is that the book will be better and I'm sure the grammar will be much improved. (A point in which I am lacking, though not in any ways terrible.) Once again I give my apologies. Trust me, I was looking forward to publishing too! I would not postpone this date for anything short of necessary. So you can now look forward to July 11th with the fullest guarantee of the release. (Unless something crazy happens, which might very well happen in a family such as mine. One never knows what tomorrow holds.)

1 comment:

  1. I for one am willing to wait for something really good. Keep it up!
